Training videos

Step by step training videos to help you use the new Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF).

On this page

Logging in with RealMe and onboarding

Showcases how to log in using RealMe, onboard to the RRF and unify profiles.

Search functionality

Showcases the various search options for the RRF and how results are displayed.

Create a client

Explains how to create a client, register as new client and client types.

Non-engineered licence applications

Showcases how to create Aircraft and Maritime licences, payment options and invoices.

Engineered licence applications

Showcases how to apply and create certificates for a licence, select profiles using delegations, and the granting licence process.


Showcases how forms for spectrum management rights work on the RFF.

Fixed point-to-point bi-directional licence

Explains how to input technical details and link associated licences for point-to-point bi-directional licences.

Callsigns and certificates

Explains how to apply for amateur licences and callsigns, create callsigns records for a ship and Aids to Navigation (AtoN).