Applications and requirements for approved radio engineers and approved certifiers (PIB 34)

PIB 34 sets out the application, regulatory and retaining of status requirements for approved radio engineers and approved radio certifiers (approved persons) and reflects the current practices and policies of Radio Spectrum Management for granting or declining applications.

Applications and requirements for approved radio engineers and approved certifiers (PIB 34) reflects the current practices and policies of Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) in regards to requirements for approved radio engineers (ARE) and approved radio certifiers (ARC) (approved persons).

PIB 34 sets out the:

  • requirements for applicants wishing to become approved radio engineers (ARE) and approved radio certifiers (ARC) (approved persons)
  • regulatory requirements for those approved persons
  • RSM process for granting or declining an application
  • requirements for retaining the approved person status.

Attainment of the status of ARE entitles the approved person to:

  • provide licence certificates (certify) for planned radio licences and spectrum licences
  • access to the Register of Radio Frequencies (the Register) database system for the purposes of creating planned radio licences and planned spectrum licences
  • use the Register’s data extract tools that enables searches of radio and spectrum licences.

Attainment of the status of ARC entitles the approved person to:

  • certify planned radio licences
  • access to the Register for the purposes of creating planned radio licences
  • use the Register’s data extract tool.

Approved persons must be respected and knowledgeable persons working in the radio communication engineering industry.

Only a natural person may be an ARE and ARC. Business, corporations or other business entities can permanently employ or contract approved persons but cannot be approved persons.

Download the document

Applications and requirements for approved radio engineers and approved certifiers (PIB 34) - Issue 6.2 (July 2016) [PDF, 348 KB]