Step 6: Become a registered supplier

Anyone who wants to supply products to the market in New Zealand can become a supplier. You’ll need to register for a supplier number. If you want to supply radio transmitters, you’ll also need a licence to supply.

What 'supplier' means

A supplier in New Zealand is any person who supplies electrical, electronic or radio products to the market. A supplier can be:

  • an importer
  • a distributor
  • a manufacturer
  • an installer, or
  • a seller.

The rules for supplying radio products in New Zealand are the same regardless of whether you:

  • physically supply them from within NZ, or
  • use websites or online auction sites (eg, TradeMe) to reach the NZ market.

Get a responsible supplier number

Before you can start supplying products to the market, you need to register as a 'responsible supplier' with the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC). ERAC is a national database used by both New Zealand and Australian suppliers. Registering with ERAC gives you the right to use the RCM compliance mark and R-NZ label on your products.

Registering as a supplier with ERAC is free. When you’ve registered you’ll get a supplier number, and you'll be sent a username and password for the database. You can use this to log in and register the equipment you’ll be supplying. You can also manage your supplier details in the database.

Registration is updated annually — you’ll get an email 30 days before it’s due to run out. You’ll have to go in and check that all your details are correct and 'reactivate' your account.

Manufacturers and Importers – Responsible Suppliers(external link) — Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS)

ERAC: Registering as a Supplier — a step by step guide [PDF, 649 KB]

Apply for a Licence to Supply Radio Transmitters

If you want to supply radio transmitting equipment in New Zealand you must hold a licence, as well as being a registered supplier.

This licence allows you to supply radio transmitters through:

  • sale
  • exchange
  • lease
  • hire, or
  • hire purchase.

It’s free to apply for a Licence to Supply Radio Transmitters. Applications are usually processed within 1 business day. When your application is processed you’ll be added to the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF) as an NZ supplier. There’s no need to update or renew your licence — it will stay active indefinitely.

Apply for a licence to supply

If you also want to transmit

A Licence to Supply Radio Transmitters doesn't allow you to transmit radio communications. If you also want to transmit, you may need to apply for another type of licence.

Find out which licence you need